Oh my goodness! This is the first Monday of 2014 and I am feeling fine! I’ve got my Emily Ley Simplified Planner in hand and I’m ready to take the new year by storm! Did anyone make New Years resolutions?! One of mine is to live more intentionally and use my time wisely…do what matters most as Emily Ley says. So far, so fail….according to my schedule, SLEEP has been what matters most to me. :]
I’m feeling super refreshed spiritually after Cru’s Radiate in Washington DC, but oddly, my sleep schedule is still way out of wack. If going to bed at 3am is wrong, then I don’t want to be right. There’s nothing like waking up and realizing that LITERALLY half of your day is already gone…which for me means I have to justify and stay up late again to make the most out of my awake hours….making me wake up late once again….it’s a vicious cycle people.
And now for some depth of feels….
See you all later this week, I hope your resolutions are going swimmingly and you give yourself a little grace in the places you’ve already slept through :]
David and I were at the Neon Great Gatsby party for New Years…hence our pinkpurple skin tone and sparkly headband :]