I heart college students. College is such a unique time in life, so different from any other. You are making decisions that effect your forever, you’re deciding what you’re passionate about, and you’re growing into that man or woman that you’re striving to be. How lucky am I to be able to interact with people that are in such a precious time of life? I’ve bragged on and on about how I love my jobs, but this is simply why: I get to interact and share life with people at a crucial moment in time. I am allowed this blessing of sharing my life with them and listening, challenging, and just being a friend through the hard stuff. So cool.
And truly, that’s my favorite part about Cru. And that is what I’ll miss this summer. Something that we really focus in on is building community. So, meet my friends, my students, my community.
This is a random shot from the students leaders retreat. We have about thirty students who are committing to leading small groups! Also, did I mention I get to laugh a lot at my job?
Last Cru of the semester…and what do these crazies do? Show up in the exact same outfits as last year so we can retake this picture!
We had the sadness and excitement of sending out two of our staff this year…this is everyone coming forward to pray for them before we finished up.
Best small group in the whole dang world.
We will never recreate the awesomeness of the image on the left. But we’ll keep trying :]
Love my silly people.
And of course, the classic goodbye picnic we have every single year. It’s the best.
Okayyyy, I’m a little obsessed.
Sending off these two ladies both breaks my heart and gives me proud mama feels.