Um, hello? August?! Is that you? Why are you here and where did summer go already? It feels like yesterday that I was exclaiming in early May how badly this season of rest was needed and how I couldn’t wait to recharge and refresh. Oh hah hah hah, and then summer took me by storm and now it is August and Cru staff (aka my other awesome job) starts in two days and whew, need. to. catch. my. breath.
This week holds a staff retreat (which I’m sure will hold all the things I hoped my summer would, wrapped up in to two days), the last of my summer wedding season(!!!), and many more hours in front of the computer, getting lost in pretty images and letting Michael Buble serenade my productiveness. But to be honest, right now I’m being serenaded by the call waiting Light Jazz that David for some reason has on speakerphone. Oof. This past week held a beautiful Norfolk wedding, seeing lotsa friends, making slow updates to our littlebutbigger home, and more pop culture addictions.
Get ready for some feels:
There’s so much more I could ramble about, but I’m leaving it here. Joanna and Nathan’s wedding is not one to be missed.