I have probably raved your ears off at this point about Abby Grace Photography…but…here we are. And here I am raving again.
I spent a couple weekends this summer assisting Abby as one of her interns and I learned so, so much. Abby is an amazing teacher and I owe so much of this last year in wedding photography to her! When we did our last wedding of the year together in early August, I was seriously bummed not to be shooting with her again this year. But, bright side, this weekend, I’m headed off to A Practical Wedding Workshop at her home in Reston and I’m so excited to learn more from her and meet other wedding professionals :]
Days with Abby, especially when they revolve around weddings, mean a lot of laughter, a lot of singing out loud to anything and everything, and much more. But there are a couple things you should know…she’s got her quirks :]
I mentioned awhile back that I just might have compiled enough secrets to create a blog post of Abby fun facts…annnnnnd after over a year of being mentored by her and shooting with her, I think that it’s time to tell all :] So let’s do this! …bullet point style.
- Places you will certainly find Abby on a wedding day: On the dance floor, rap battling an unsuspecting guest…but more than likely, rap battling you! Also more than likely, in an outfit so elegant you are thrown off by her mad game.
- Encouraging your face off. Legitimately, she makes her couples feel like rockstars in front of the camera. Also she will make you feel like a rockstar just by shooting with her. She always introduces me as her equally awesome assistant.
- Quoting something from Mean Girls or the Princess Bride or just about anything really. For real, this girl knows her movies. She pulls out the most ridiculous and often applicable movie quotes at some of the oddest times.
- At some point during the day…one of these jokes will fall flat…usually during bridal party portraits…at which point she’ll say, “Nobody got that? <Insert movie name here>? OOOOOOOOOOKAYYYYY moving on!”
- When someone else is getting stressed, she’ll offer the sage and timeless advice of Jesse McCartney: “Don’t stress, don’t stress, don’t stress, just move it to the left, left, left.”
- Speaking of music, expect song lyrics belted out in full volume…and better yet, when her husband Matt is around, he’ll set her up to start singing. For example, a simple “the hills are alive” sent her running through a field to meet her bride and groom last year, finishing with “WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC!” (but really, who wouldn’t do that?!)
- She will threaten to pull over the car if you can’t locate the Frozen soundtrack.
- And of course, my favorite: Abby – “What’s the ETA on the GPS?” Me – “11:33” Abby – “We’re totally gonna beat that.”
Not only do I have an absolute blast on wedding days with Abby, I learn so much! Abby, I’m so thankful for you and can’t wait to learn more from you this weekend!
The above pulled from her Behind the Scenes sum up of 2013. Ending the reception in true Abby fashion :]