Oh I’ve been waiting to share this post! Around this time last year, I shared with you guys that I LOVE games. More specifically I love mysteries. Especially when I get to be a part of them. Last year, for our end of year staff party, we had a murder mystery party. And this year, it wasn’t even a question that we’d do the exact same thing. What a freakin blast.
We set it to a vote a couple weeks ago and the overwhelming vote was Murder in the Wild West. Mostly because everyone wanted to bring fake guns and dress like the Old West. My favorite part is seeing how into it everyone gets! I’ve planned the party the last two years, so I get to pick the characters and who plays who. This is the most fun part! I love seeing everyone embrace their character and act crazy. And getting in fake fights is really fun. My character was super annoying and uppity, so basically I just got to accuse everyone all night long. And somehow, my character and my friend Carly’s character ended up being at odds all night for the second year in a row!
Before the party even started…Landon and Chase were in character and in full Western accents.
LeeAnn on the left was a clear winner for best costume!
Annnnnd Tiffany put a letter opener in her garter. I love these people.
Somehow Jake was the victim for the second year in a row!
David was my husband in the game (how convenient) and was a huge liar the whole time!
And then we ventured upstairs for gift opening.
Heck yes.
And this is my team. 😀