If you’ve been following the blog lately you know that we’ve been everywhere and back the last few weeks! And some of that time was filled to the brim with family! We’ve got people all over the state so our holidays are always a little crazy. This year was no different. We had six Christmases total! To some that might sound insane, but to us it has become our normal.
We have to be really intentional about scheduling everything, but it is all worth it. We end up getting quality time with all the different parts of our family and we always have our own little Christmas in Radford to make sure we have quality time to ourselves as well.
I know it’s almost three weeks after Christmas at this point, but our Christmas tree is still up…and it snowed yesterday…so I think a little Christmas recap is okay. :] Basically if you like funny pictures of my dad and our pup Neville. This one’s for you.
This is our little DIY tree in our home in Radford :] It’s a labor of love, aka me making random things and throwing them on the tree the first year we were married.
And this was actual Christmas day at my mom’s house!
Neville and Bailey are besties. And by besties I mean, Neville follows Bailey around and Bailey gets annoyed.
My Gram is the cutest.
Any Doctor Who fans out there?!
Okay this is embarrassing. But this is us. Kelsey intentionally yawned.
Also Kels knows me. She got me a cow mug.
And Christmas at the Harney side of the family. The hat? Oh well my dad LOVES his high school so that was our Christmas gift to him :]
Reading to my cousin’s little sweetheart.
And my uncle aka my dad’s older brother making fun of his hat.
Cousin Becca :]
They’ve got a weird relationship…
And my dad is also obsessed with thrift shops…so my Uncle Steve tried on every jacket he brought over and put on a fashion show.
And here comes the weird stuff. Can you spot Neville?
Merry January :]