Although it has been a month and a half since Radiate, (um wow, that was fast) I still feel COMPELLED to share with you all my beginning/end of the year experience. Also, we were conference photographers for Radiate, right smack dab in the middle of three weddings, so blogging it in under two months feels like a win to me! :]
Radiate is a four day conference through New Years put on by Cru, held in DC. It’s four days of laughing and friendship and learning about Jesus and becoming more anchored to Him. This is one of my favorite parts of my job every year! I started to feel old when I realized that David and I have now been to 7 Radiate conferences. We legitimately don’t know how to do New Years any other way. I would feel lost if I wasn’t able to worship in the New Year with over 1000 college students. I think the funniest thing about Radiate, is that it is consistently awesome. I go in every year, fully knowing what is to come, and somehow the Lord surprises me all over again. My heart is always challenged, and I always leave exhausted and encouraged…and that is GOOD.
This was my third year as an official conference photographer and David got to join me this year! A lot of people would dread that type of responsibility. When the students are worshipping and the speaker is sharing truth…we’re shooting away. But I’ve grown to love it. I get to walk up and down the aisles of a giant ballroom and witness people having an experience with their Savior. It’s a perspective unlike any other. It’s like we get a backstage pass to what is happening on the heart level.
So today I’m giving you a glimpse into that! Part 2 to come next week!
PS: David and I shot on the same camera all week, so who knows whose images are whose! He’s great!
Radiate is a time for reunions 😀
Somehow, I can never escape the wedding photog world :] This was too sweet!
That time Tyler and I thought we matched…but almost two months of retrospective makes me think otherwise…
Proud of David for that image on the right!
Also Matthew Schuler from The Voice dropped in and I FREAKED OUT! David was shooting so I was literally turning in circles trying to find someone to share my excitement with.
The end of day three had us hitting the Metro and venturing to the White house.
Love this of Kristian :] She’s pretty!
Our lovely little campus!
See ya next week! And Radford students, to answer your questions, YES these will be on Facebook soon! :]