Today’s depth of feels is brought to you by our local coffee shop. Because David and I are starting this week with a business meeting about our goals/priorities for the summer :] It felt very official to set a start time for the day, grab some chai, and now to be across the table from each other, ready to get started! Of course, Ollie is here too…smiling at us from his car seat and trying to distract us, but other than that, very official.
This last week was all about getting caught up! After all of the out of town visitors and school ending and shoots, we needed some serious time to get things in order. And I can’t tell you how much easier it is for me to work without being the sole Ollie-sitter! :] I can write a blog post in one sitting again! I can answer emails without a baby in my lap! Guys, I’m never going to stop talking about how thankful I am that David’s out of school! And the great part is that I still get to take breaks to spy on Ollie. There’s some definite drawbacks to working from home, but the pros outweigh the cons.
Now I’m gonna keep it short today because I’ve got to back to our meeting :] Here’s some feels for your Monday: