Happy first Monday of the school year! Well, at least it is for us :] There’s something so productive-feeling about starting bright and early on a Monday. Somewhere not too far from us, campus is bustling and it makes me so happy! Our sleepy town came back alive over the past week. Target has officially been cleared out of all its college product and I don’t even want to think about what Walmart might look like. (but really, I’m just waiting for all the cute throw pillows to go on clearance now that school’s started)
This week was chaotic, to say the very least :] First week of Cru staff always means that life gets a little crazy for a few weeks, but thankfully it’s perfectly timed with our mini off season for photography. KPP’s still got a lot of good stuff going on as far as sessions and blog content, but we’re slowing down on weddings until October! This last week was dedicated to lots of time preparing for the students and getting to welcome them all back! It always feels like a big reunion when they all flood back into town! And even more so now that Ollie’s grown by several pounds since they all last saw him :] And of course, I’ve also been taking all the spare moments to edit away on some very beautiful things! All in all, it’s the good stuff.
I’ve got a wedding to edit, so I’m going to blast some Hamilton (which I haven’t listened to in almost 2 weeks!) and get in work mode! Here are some feels for your Monday:
Jonathan and Jaelyn’s wedding hits the blog tomorrow and I. CAN’T. WAIT. They’re just so sweet!