I’m still just floored that it’s been 2.5 weeks since the Creative at Heart conference. This was my third time at C@H, but it’d been 2.5 years since I’d attended! I went to the first two rounds in 2015 and they transformed my business. Not only that, but my heart was transformed after spending those conferences investing in myself. I wanted my business to grow before that point, but 2015 is where I really decided to pour my heart out into our clients and our work. It’s where I decided I’d stop treating my business like a “side gig” and that I’d step into my role as boss lady/CEO/wedding photographer. So needless to say, when I found out the conference was coming to Raleigh it was a no brainer. I haven’t been at the point where I feel like I’m just surviving in business for years now, but I knew I wanted change and I wanted growth. AND I wanted to hear more about balance and unconventional schedules and just wanted to feel known by women in the same place as me.
And goodness, did those four days deliver all that and more. C@H is such a well rounded conference. They’ve got all the feels and all the practical. They’ve got heartfelt “how are you really doing?” talks that have you reaching for the c@h tissues you got in your swag bag and they’ve got you scribbling all the notes as you learn about tangible ways to better your web presence. It’s jam packed. And I totally came out of it ready to sleep for a week! This was the longest conference yet! 2.5 long days PLUS a welcome party the first night. Phew. And of course, I came into it with a messed up knee. But honestly, I didn’t have any time to think about being in pain, so it was probably for the best as far as timing goes! I also think this was the prettiest venue yet! The Merrimon-Wynne was our little home and we loved it and filled up every inch of that space with joy and women wearing floral prints :] And seriously, the sweetest people run and attend this conference. The #communityovercompetition movement is totally embraced in this setting and people are cheering for you before they even really know you! And everyone totally gets the weird ins and outs of small business ownership. The late nights and the working weekends and the financial headaches and intense pressure of doing it on your own. They just get it.
This year the big takeaway for everyone was “bravery.” How brave are you willing to be for the life you want to live? I’m SUCH a creature of habit. And the biggest obstacle that is always in my path is myself. I hate change. If I’m “getting by” then I’m satisfied. But that mentality doesn’t propel me towards the life I want to live. It’s good for a season, but not for a life. And that truth punched me in the heart over and over and over again. C@H happened at the perfect time for me and I’m excited to make some changes so that I can go after the life I know I’m meant to live.
Here are my favorite moments from the conference:
Phew! That’s a lot of good stuff! Here’s to making it happen again in 2018! *fingers crossed*
And here’s some recap photos by the talented Holly Felts!
Oh Katelyn. Just love her every time.
Every single detail was beautiful! There were so many places to mingle.
The most beautiful conference room!
Can you spy me looking super sad but really just focusing really hard on my Chipotle?
Annnd here’s my iPhone recap. Aka the one in the middle is from my first Uber hahha.
So much goodness in one collage.
Late night treat hugs and perfectly branded tissues.
My frannnnnds!
Two ladies who super inspire me! Abby and Katelyn!
Annnnd all those SWVA ladies. It was so fun that there were so many of us!