i'm kaitlyn phipps, a wedding and family photographer located in southwest virginia.

Welcome to my little corner of the internet! My blog is home to all my recent weddings, sessions and life with my sweet family. Happy scrolling!

hi friend !






so glad you are here

My little baby looks more like a little boy than he does a baby. And he started crawling two days ago. How? Why?! We’re going to need to do some serious baby proofing this weekend :] I really am just in awe of the fact that Oliver has been alive for half a year. He’s the […]


the denim and fedora project – month 6

This post is not for the faint of heart :] If you’ve been around the blog then you already know…I am in love with the Harry Potter series. Scratch that…if you’ve been around me ever at all…YOU KNOW. You know, it’s like one of those things that is just associated with me. Oh Kaitlyn? She’s a […]


confessions of a super fan

How is it that I have a five month old? That feels OLD! The seasons have changed TWICE while he’s been alive and we’re almost at a half a year. How, how, how. The time went by at such a moderate pace those first few months and the last two have just FLOWN. As you’ll […]


the denim and fedora project – month 5

Once upon a glorious time, back in 2013, I thought I had time to be a “low-key” scrapbooker. I bought myself a Smashbook (which are crazy adorable by the way) and I planned out every page for the first year of our marriage and I made three beautiful pages. And then I stopped and never […]

DIY, For the Bride, Personal, Photographers

get those precious instagrams OFF your phone // chatbook love

Friends, it’s a Monday and I don’t have any editing to speak of! What?! That hasn’t happened in such a long time. (you photographers know that free as a bird feeling I’m talking about ;]) As much as I’ve loved rolling through some wedding photos for the last two months, it’s nice to have a […]

Depth of Feels, Personal

depth of feels